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The objective of this web site is to divulge the scientific vision of Jesus of Nazareth that history and other related sciences have, using a comprehensible language to attain the general audience.
¿How do I planned to do that?
Writing a novel –an essay, someone said to me–, taking as a reference the historical Jesus and not the Christ of faith. Achieving that, it cost me something more than seven years of assiduous work, and now, I hope it was worth the effort.
In my youth, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in history, but it was not enough to understand the character. Not at all. By the way, and so I remembered, the character didn’t be part from any subject in the college.
So that, before writing one chapter, I devoted three years studying the character and the different historical contexts of the ancient times. I wrote an historical analysis about that. At the beginning I did it for me, because it gave me answers to the questions that were appearing while I structured the novel.
Afterwards, I began to write the novel and, from then, historical analysis and the novel advanced together, slowly, four years more, maturating, until finish.
Thanks to that, the novel is full of historical footnotes, but situated in this position to don’t break the lecture. Even more, the language of the novel is very affordable to any reader, even the teenager.
¿What the publishers said to me when I showed them this double work?
The esplanade of the temple is a huge rectangular surface porched in his four sides, that was about the sixth part of the city. In the south side you can see the Royal Basilica, where the commercial transactions were made –the moneychangers were placed here– and were the animals were selling for its sacrifice. Jesus opposed this two groups (Mc 11,15-18). At the nordwest corner, you can see the powerful fortress of quadrangular structure called the Antonia Tower, place of the roman military guard in Jerusalem, that continues with the wall of the city. Pilatus didn’t reside there, but in the Herod’s Palace, much sumptuous; for this reason, the via crucis follows at present a wrong way, because begins from the wrong place. In the middle of the image you can see the Sanctuary of the Temple, where the higher construction contained an empty room called in hebrew Qadosh haqedoshim (or Sancta Sanctorum, in latin), that received the presence of the Highest and was the most sacred place in Judaism. At first term, the Orient’s gate or Red Cow gate, dedicated to the holy office, and where is possible that Jesus made his famous entrance, after being acclaimed (Mc 11,7-11), accomplishing a Zachary’s prophecy (Zac 9,9).
In general, publishing houses don’t invest money in one novel if they’re not sure that it could generate acceptable benefits. That often means –especially if it’s an extended novel–, the presence of a media author or someone of prestige in the background. To summarize, I expose their opinions with some sentences that arrived me: ‘I like it, but there’s much footnotes’, ‘it could be difficult to sell’, ‘he’s an unknown author’, ‘without trademark’,...
Very well. This ‘non trademark author’ will publish, in this site web, and free, near the half of the novel, because all interested readers could read it and evaluated it at his own.
I will publish, free too, one part of the historical analysis that I made about the character –as objective and precise as I was possible–, in what I consulted nearly 400 books and articles about more than 200 specialists of many countries, from half nineteenth century till now: historians, archaeologists, philologists, sociologists, anthropologists, theologians from different confessions (protestants, catholics, orthodoxs, anglicans and jews). The work justifies –even more than footnotes–, the historical decisions taken in the novel.
¿When I’ll do that? In april 23 of 2016, saint George’s day and also book day in some countries.
In may 2016, the novel and the historical analysis –both completely–, will come out on sale through ‘amazon’. The historical analysis will be published only in digital form (cause his length: 1.500 pp.), and in a reduced price. The novel will be published only in a book form (no digital) and searching the most economic price possible, caused his large extension (575 pp.).